
Everything in life has a purpose and glass is no exception. Therefore in the market there are different types of glass that have different uses depending on the manufactured product that well applied will work perfectly. Otherwise it could be harmful.

Only experts know the type of glass that fits perfectly for one thing or another, the appropriate thickness and of course the dimensions of the glass. 

Here are the most common types of glass:

Starphire Glass - Starphire Glass contains low iron particles and is used extensively for glass trophies. Starphire glass is lead free and the trophy can be made to look like a crystal product with a light blue tint. The low iron particles give the glass the much needed clarity than a standard glass.

Tempered GlassTempered glass, commonly referred to as toughened glass, is a type of glass where the properties are altered using chemical treatments and heat energy to give it more strength and stability than a normal glass. Tempering the glass means making the outer surface of the glass undergo compression and the inner surface tension. ​

Here at Giovani Glass We manufacture excellent products with the types of glasses mentioned and many more. ​

Clear(bottom) vs Starphire (top)